What we do for the positive reinforcement is of course praise, and they get quarters. For chores and good behavior they get quarters.. the more impressive the good behavior or the chore they get gold dollar coins.
As for reading, we do a lot of reading and I also lay in bed with the kids for 10 mins each at night and we talk about the day or what ever else they want to talk about.
K was playing a team player video game with her brother this morning and she was yelling at him for not going where she wanted him to go, I gave her a warning and she did it again so she spent about an hour in her room throwing a fit. After she calmed down I let her out and she was extremely good and sweet. she said she was sorry, she ate lunch and we all went for a pleasant walk. Her punishment is that she can't play any video games today. Maybe I am doing this backward though..maybe they shouldn't be allowed to play video games at all unless they do something to earn it. Just thinking out loud here.. we have a doctor appt. in about an hour here so we will see how the rest of the day goes. I am thinking after the doctor of visiting family and taking them to play with their cousins. We will see how she reacts when we go to leave... When we do go to leave, since she is already grounded off of video games what is the next step no tv, video games, computer time for the rest of the week? Though I assure you this isn't all she does it is just her
favorite things to do that I consider privileges.

thank you for all the advice and the references, La Texican I will look into that book. K's personality is unique in that she only cops this bossy attitude and has these meltdowns with us (my husband and I) She doesn't do this with extended family and she is very close to my extended family. She wouldn't dream of acting this way at school. She is very shy and well behaved at school. Her kindergarten and first grade teacher both complimented me on how polite and well mannered she is, her first grade teacher even called her "So proper and polite." The students at her school get coins when they are caught with good behavior and K gets those coins on a daily bases, they use the coins to fill up a jar to have a classroom party.
there have been mornings before school that she has had a meltdown and is crying all the way to school. When we park and she gets out the minute she steps foot on the school sidewalk the fit abruptly stops..!!! Like someone just pushed her "off" button!

Last edited by Mom2KC; 07/10/12 10:58 AM.