My 7 year old is always throwing tantrums and I just don’t know how to teach her that it WON’T get her what she wants. You would think by how intelligent she is and time after time of being put in time out, having things taken away, and not getting what she wants would clue her in. My 4 year old gets it. The most common reasons she throws a tantrums is when we have to do errands (she thinks she should call the shots on what we get to do and not do that day) If I have to go to the store she will just say “no I’m busy”. Doing whatever it is she is doing at the time. When go together as a family somewhere she throws fits when leaving. For instance we went to the beach over the weekend, we tell her we are leaving and give her the 5 minute mark. And what does she say? “NO IM NOT LEAVING!” We then have to pick her up and carry her to the car. And lastly she loves her brother and gets along with him a lot of the time but she bosses him around like crazy, when I catch her bossing him around I give her a warning to stop. And what does she do? She does it again! She completely ignores what I tell her and she just does it again she don’t even care that I am in the room! So I then have to drag her to her room to give her a time out. She won’t take her time out on her own I have to physically carry her to her room. When in her room she throws a tantrum until she calms down. After she calls down I take her privileges away (video game, TV watching or toys taken away, whatever she cares about at that moment) Yet day after day it’s a repeat and now that school is’s even worse. I feel like I am failing here. How do I teach her that these tantrums will not get her what she wants, and that she doesn’t get to boss her little brother around or dictate our daily schedule. I really feel like I don’t know what I am doing here. We don’t spank, we’ve tried in the past. It didn’t work and my kids have very sensitive and fair skin and I refuse to go down that road. One would think that K is being spoiled but we don’t spoil her! She doesn’t get stuff except holidays and birthdays if she wants to buy something she earns it through chores and it takes her 2-3 months to even save up enough to go buy something. I never give in to her. So what am I doing wrong? How do I teach her that these fits get her anywhere and how do I get her to stop being so bossy? My 4 year old once referred to her as angelica off of rugrats frown
She isn’t like this ALL the time when she isn’t acting this way she is very sweet and loving, however these past few weeks she has been acting like this most of the time.