No personal jab intended. Though now I feel compelled to now tease you about self-identifying as a "hard core misogynist" voluntarily. grin

I've personally had to listen to colleagues speculate that a woman is 'worth' less because she'll eventually want to have maternity leave, and therefore that it is perfectly legitimate to ask candidates deeply personal questions about their desire for children, and to use gender as a sort of unofficial 'preferred qualification' in screening applicants. Oh, sure-- they knew it was technically illegal to do that. They just didn't think that it was "wrong" for them personally to do so, so they figured what HR didn't know wouldn't hurt them.

(No, not kidding.)

I'm also aware that some disparity in some disciplines/fields can be explained by other factors, but this is not necessarily so in all fields or professions.

Point being-- this entire line of thought makes for some interesting thought problems. smile

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.