Originally Posted by CAMom
My son skipped mid year from 1st to 2nd and is now going into 5th. He is taller than most of the kids in 5th so we don't get many questions now, but they do still come up occasionally. I prefer the blame and dodge method. It goes like this "Oh my husband met with some people and it just all came out that way. Can you pass those delicious cookies?"

When I have been asked why my eldest child is a year young for his grade, I say we put him in a private KG at age 4, because he was reading fluently and we thought he was ready for KG. This is a true, non-defensive statement, unlike many of the things I have read on this thread. Society needs to be more realistic about differences in intelligence and their implications, and clarity rather than obfuscation by the parents of gifted children can spread such realism.

"To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell