Originally Posted by Nautigal
I wouldn't say anything, myself, as they will certainly notice it for themselves sooner or later. But DS's neighborhood friends are all up and down the grades, so it didn't really make any difference when he skipped K, and he hasn't skipped anything since. We may have a skip after next year, or the year after, but everybody knows him and wouldn't be surprised. He has three neighbor friends a year younger than he is, who are one and two years behind him in school due to cutoff dates, and one a year older who is in his grade.

When they notice the skip, and ask questions, that's when you can do the "oh, yes, we and the school felt it was best, please pass the mustard" thing.

Well, I can't not say anything. It comes up in the first 2 minutes of any conversation.

"So, you're new in the neighborhood! How old are your kids? Oh, so she'll be in 6th grade at xx Middle in the fall? Oh, 7th? So how did she like it for the end of 6th? Oh, she was at xx Elementary this spring? How does that work?"


"So, dd will be starting middle school in the fall! Is she excited about 6th grade?"

I just don't want dd to be in the position of having to address it first herself. She is very capable, and it would be different if we were doing it in the town where she already knew everyone, but this is all new for her.

FWIW, it came up with a neighbor today who was totally supportive and who knows dd from the bus stop. She said how mature she is and that she can totally see that it is the right choice for her.

Part of the reason I want to handle this well isn't just for dd11, but for dd5 who will be entering k with a bunch of kids from this neighborhood and I am sure in that situation competitiveness/jealousy/judgment is a strong possibility depending on what dd5's needs are (which are more unique/less straightforward than dd11 prob. also a candidate for a skip or more in the future).