My husband and my mother are the only people (other than professionals and this forum) that ever hear me say anything about my kids "giftedness".

I used to have a blog that was mostly cute stories and fun family pictures, but I've stopped posting because I've found that I am censoring myself so much. Almost anything I can say about the kids (except for the most mundane of things) highlights how unusual they are. The conversations we have, the interests they have, etc.

I'm probably overly protective and paranoid, but they are so little right now that their unusual intelligence makes them really stand out. I'm always trying to protect the from being a sideshow, but it's sometimes hard to avoid.

I pretty much avoid talking about my kids with anyone other than to say the most generic and not-exceptional things about them. (DS really loves that t-shirt he's wearing today.) When people see my 2-year-old reading signs at a store, I laugh nervously and avoid eye contact. I've more than once had strangers say to me "are you kidding me? She just read that?" or "what did your baby just say??" If I was more outgoing, I'd probably strike up a conversation and let them enjoy/be shocked/be horrified/be judgemental about my adorable little sideshow. Instead, I just exit as quickly as possible.

Yeah, I don't have the social skills down yet on how to deal with all of this. My post here isn't advice, it's just honestly what I do. I avoid. I have to figure out a better way before I completely become a hermit.