I post some of the brags I post here on Facebook as well, but I have a small FB friends list and they all either know the boys or are relatives who want to know what's going on with them. I posted Wolf's summer reading list there and got a very positive response because they "get" him.

In person I am much more careful about what I share though. Wolf is in cub scouts and his den knows he had a grade skip and is in an independent study program. I can't really hide him from them and one of the other moms has special needs issues with her son so we've done a lot of talking about Bear and Wolf. It's a small den and they are pretty accepting. However there was another boy in the group whose family had... issues. Not with Wolf, just in general, but they were very awkward about the subject of grade skipping and school stuff.

My first reaction to questions or situations where it comes up (Wolf is small) is to say he's young for his grade and follow that with the grade skip if people ask for more information. I don't volunteer information, but I will answer questions honestly.