Somerdai, it's so great that your mom said that, that must feel very validating.

If you haven't yet read some of Stephanie Tolan's writings regarding the gifted, here is a good one

The word "thwarted" is cool, I might have subconsciously "lifted" it from this article. Anyway that's what you're doing to a child when you stand in between them and what the need to learn or who they need to be. For a parent and child, thwarting their need to learn, even if the general public (or family!) thinks they're too young etc., is very bad for your relationship and not good for their self-esteem. I didn't understand my DD's ferocious behavior when she was trying to learn to read and I wasn't answering her questions (thinking "she's too young, she'll be so bored in school") but now I do. I think I understand alot more about her whole person and wiring much better than then, and of course will have much more to learn.

I gave her what she wanted when I saw how crazy passionate she was, but I wish she didn't have to get so upset to get me there. She's always been my little leader, I'm always a little behind but now I try to keep pace.