People always try to confort me about my "worries" about my older son. Sometimes I daydream about telling them the *rest* of the story... It's funny how people jump in to comfort you for your kids' being slow at something everytime you say "oh, I'm not sure that's the right book/project/whatever for DS right now..." as he stares blankly at them for a second, and then leaves.

DH has a great story about a substitue teacher and his math accelleration. Apparently the whole class "went allong" with the sub's assumption that he was doing remedial math... until he handed in both his (significantly) accellerated worksheet, and the regular class work before any one else in the class finished the regular work. Then he went back to his desk and took out a rubix cube... I'll let your immaginations fill that in wink

When I let DS "be a kid" he gets bored and starts tantrumming... but he's only 3, so I guess that's what they *want* him to do

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!