We start the sleep apnea process on Monday. We hope to also get the hearing and vision screening done this week as he is on spring break. The audiologist at the Indian Health Services can screen for auditory processing issues.

The sleep apnea could be as simple as an x-ray of his throat and neck. In children it is usually caused by abnormally large adenoids or tonsils that are enlarged or hang down in the neck too far which can be seen with x-ray. If he has either of those they can make a clinical diagnosis without a long, traumatic sleep study. Then we have surgery and see it that works.

We don't have a deadline per se as the school will not do much this year, as he has a great teacher who is able to keep him focused much of the time. We are considering K12 homeschool through our state for next year, but we have to apply (if we want to do it free) by April 2nd. So, we are trying to get the medical questions answered by then.

Our school is trying really hard to help us. They have been great and very patient with DGS. They know he has some emotional issues to deal with, and are hoping for answers just as much as we are.
