
I just wanted to let you know you are not alone. My DD is 4, will be 5 in a month and a half, and right now, she could easily hold her own in a 2nd or 3rd grade class. DD has the advantage of her handwriting being amazing and her fine motor skills shocking her psychologist. She writes better than any of the second graders at my mom's school. So for her, output is not a problem. In fact, last year DD spent time for a week in a second grade class and was able to hold her own socially, emotionally, and more than academically. She would need further acceleration in several subjects. Radical grade skipping would definitely work for her. We would be looking at a 3-4 year min skip across the board with further acceleration possible.

However we are homeschooling because we only have one school here and they do not believe in acceleration of ANY kind. Sigh. However not operating under the school system has been a blessing for us. DD started girl scouts this year with kids 2 years older then her, and while it is still not an ideal fit socially for her, I think it is the best we can do, because I am not sure socially how a group of kids 3-4 years older than her will accept her in a group situation. If they gave her a chance, yes, they would, but in a group, they don't have to, they have their own groups already and it is hard to break into. Individually she has a few friends now who fit her well and understand her, and they enjoy each other company. They tend to be 4 years older than her.

Could you start your own homeschool co-op or group? I am not sure why the school district should have anything to do with homeschool groups. The one we joined when we lived in PA let us in when DD was 2.5, after meeting her she did classes with 6 year olds and loved it. Here we don't have a homeschool co-op but I have started a homeschool art class and the kids range in ages from DD (4) to 16. It has been great for her.

For us, we have committed to long term homeschooling so that DD can just be her and learn at her pace. Try not to worry (I know WAY easier said than done! LOL) I still have a hard time breathing when I think of DD starting college so early, but in reality I have no clue what she will want to do, be ready for and when. So I try to breath and take it as it comes.

I have to agree with Maillig. I really like the suggestion of keeping social and academic separate, and I think for PG kids, a lot of time that works best. Good luck!

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.