Originally Posted by annette
I know homeschooling is ideal academically for PG kids, but I'm scared to commit to it for a variety of reasons. I don't like the idea of early College either. My friends that went to College early had drug and alcohol problems because it's so prevalent there. I would rather my son do AP/IB classes in High School. I had a 13yo in my AP Physics class and everyone was really nice to him. It's difficult to picture my baby in College so young, you know? There is a lot of fear wrapped up in this response.

It is good you are aware of your fear. I will say that I bet every single person posting here can think of traditional aged students they knew who had alcohol or drug problems in high school. I think your best bet is to not eliminate options out of fear. Keep an open mind to as many options as possible.

I would also encourage you to keep in mind that there may be a range of options someday that you aren't aware of right now. Your child may spend half days at high school or homeschool and half day at college. They may go to college and live at home. They may study abroad or work for a couple of years before attending college at the traditional age. He may begin to prioritize sports or some same age peer activity and accepted slowed down academics in order to get it.

My best advice is to try to make decisions looking at the kid you've got right in front of you rather than thinking about the child you expected to have or somebody else's kid you've observed in the past.