Hey, we're there too! Actually I need to buy the next Singapore math soon because he's almost done and he did like 12 pages the other day. And I did one of these every few days on a whiteboard

Check out this video on YouTube:

This is our second time through and this time I'm having him copy me on his whiteboard. He already can read it like a sentence 0 x 1 = 0, instead of like a word "0x1=0" and we only did the ones this time but he answered 1x5=? Before I did. Plus it's practice writing and numbers is less writing to complete a project than words are. Someone mentioned mangahigh maths the other day. I looked at it. It has a cute flower fraction game under demos. I've showed him fractions once, this is the second time, and the second time showing him multiplication. He tried to call 1/2 one and a half.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar