The stuff I've seen is ReadingEggs, PBS kids, Jumpstart World, and the Kidzui kid browser. �They are not user-generated. �IRL Books and music are not user generated or free. �If it's all about free content then I'm firmly on the fence since I have several family members living in the entertainment industry, including video-game design. �

�So, more to the point, what would you like to tell the kids? �What would you consider a computer literacy lab? �The first time I saw anybody using a search engine they told me, "scroll down past the first section because it's advertisements."

On the third hand i love the Star Trek the next Generation show. �Here's wishing for a computer like that. �Sometimes I pretend. �I type in my google questions like this.. (computer) "define web2.0". �Patiently awaiting a transporter. �Hopefully it's a shareware version. �

But I guess you mean YouTube & the SAM Gallery.

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar