Originally Posted by epoh
Personally, I think they aren't using computers nearly enough in school yet. Kids are going to graduate from school this year, having basically zero understanding of how the modern computer works. Not just a few kids, the vast majority of them. The same will happen next year. These kids know how to txt and upload youtube videos, but they have no idea what function a transistor plays in any of their equipment. They have no idea what the major components are of a PC. How can we be allowing an entire generation to grow up ignorant of so much what they touch on a regular basis?

Amy, I think your child is still in very early elementary? FWIW, when we were kids we grew up in a world full of tv and most kids never learned about how a cathode-ray tube worked (I grew up way before digital tv lol!). The science-inclined kids went on to learn about science in depth, but most kids didn't learn anything about the technology behind tv and radio, but instead schools and parents taught kids about how to decipher what you read and heard vs what was real vs hype etc. Today, in school, my children had computer technology integrated into the curriculum starting in very early elementary, and although they didn't learn about the mechanics of programming early on, they were taught a lot about how to research, how to verify that the information you are reading is believable, basically *how* to use the internet and computers responsibly. My kids have also had opportunities to attend computer-learning camps during the summer which they've loved, and my ds12 has had programming classes at school.
