Originally Posted by cdfox
Having a laptop or iPad is the very, tiniest tip of the iceberg.

Exactly. Google has raised everyone's IQ by 20 points. And we are going from a society where very little was known to one where everyone knows everything.

Jane Goodall completely changed the way we think of ourselves as humans, as well as chimps, - by observing them (using her own eyes!) and not by having a science degree. Thank color photography and National Geographic magazine and TV shows in the 70s for bringing Goodall's work to the masses.

Exactly. Knowledge is no longer controlled. The printing press ushered in the Reformation and the resulting rise in freedom and capitalism. The rise of google and the ipad has changed things permanently.

As for Goodall, Chimps are not very human at all in many respects. They are violent, vicious little things. We are just as close to bonobos as we are to chimps.

Today it's digital technology and the open source movement that is helping to revolutionize society. We are moving from an analog to digital world.

Its more about people having and being able to use information. Before you and I had to talk face to face for me to learn about something. Now, I can search or go to Ted or search for books. It great speeds up understanding.

It also allows for people to collaborate better and faster.

Last edited by Austin; 01/23/12 08:18 AM.