I remember kids that would take apart transistor radios or clocks because they were so curious about how they ran. It is no different than Bill Gates spending all his waking hours as a teenagers learning about computers. If children are really interested in technology, it is not a bad thing.

Though I am not an advocate of hours of video game playing. DD7 has 10 inch tablet. She makes videos, she does play games on it, but she has limited time to do that. But I do want her to feel comfortable with technology. She does read, though when reading Charlotte's web, the classic, she had a hard time, questions every paragraph because too many outdated terms. The car did not pull up, the DeSoto did.

Right now I am reading George Eliot. And yes, it is interesting to read about the society back then but it also annoying in the class system, the attitudes, the lack of depth in people. She dealt with that in a ground breaking way for that time, but it is not that time.
