No need for educational software with Web 2.0 and open sources. That's the whole point! The stuff you're suggesting already exists online for FREE and there's no need for updates or downloads either. That's the old way and obsolete. - An example.

Open source means that open, free, accessible, for all - i.e. not propriety system or subject to a fee. Try searching through some folders to see what mean, as another example. There's stuff freely available from preschool to college, but teachers and libraries are not always knowledgeable about Web 2.0 (of course, many schools have cut librarians due to the Internet and thinking Google will suffice; not to mention the amount of teachers and librarians who like being in control and the leader).

There's no need to pay for educational material, including a textbook. You still have to pay for the Internet though. Oh, wait, where wifi is free? The public library!