Originally Posted by mcswones
Hi. I'm new to this forum and am looking for a bit of advice and support. .. (speaking of which, is it possible that my 3-year-old already has an anxiety disorder? We joke that he's going to grow up to become Woody Allen...).
Thank you!
My son wasn't an early reader, but did turn out to be gifted, was an early worrier. By 4 he was thinking and talking about death quite a bit. Learn some calming breathing practices,and practice them yourself. Then teach him. Try to develop that 'life is a journey, and who know what riches of experience lie just beyond the horizon' life philosophy, and then teach him.

It's ok to make a family motto or credo that highlights this, and repeat it a lot. Even a gifted, reading 3 year old is susceptible to conditioning.

As for school, is homeschooling a 'fall back option?' If you have it in your 'back pocket' you'll sleep easier. Usually half day kindergarten programs are ok even with a terrible fit. So you have some time. Don't rush into preschool - unless the family needs it. Join your state gifted association and start hanging out with other families of gifted kids.

BTW - my 'home IQ test' is this: If you kid is advanced enough that you don't want to share his highlights with your friends, chances are he's gifted. Notice that other parents are only too happy to brag away, regardless of the effect on other parents.

So glad you found us - relax, enjoy, tell us some cute stories. These are the golden days.

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