Originally Posted by Grinity
Having social pressure is a good thing, if there are no other issues that outweight that in the mix.

Thanks for your response; I think you just hit the nail on the head. I think they feel that there might be other issues going on w/him socially. I don't think so; I think that he has some quirky behaviors, that social skills are not his strong suit, that he has no other kids his own age he can relate to, that he is bored in school (although they are working on this, instruction might be differentiated, but by his teacher. So, once again he will build a great rapport w/his teacher, it does not help bridge the gap socially). That's what I think, but can't say one hundred percent that I'm right. They just want to rule everything out just in case.

I think doing it step by step might be one way to go and I was just informed that they won't require a psych. eval. if we're not comfortable w/it. I explained to them that I'm not uncomfortable w/it, I just want someone not connected w/the school and someone who is not a psychiatrist.

Now the psychologist informed me that he wants to give another IQ test since the one he had taken was from almost two years ago (even though he had an achievement test last yr.). Uggg....here I go again, I'm not so sure I'm comfortable w/that. He's only a school psychologist, not a state licensed psychologist and he's already told me he hasn't seen too many gifted kids and definitely not a kid as gifted as my son. So now I'm concerned about the reliability of his implementing this test (either consciously or subconsciously skewing the results. Crap. This is really hard. (sorry, just a wee bit of venting! )