This is an offshoot from another thread I posted. Basically, in order to know where to place my son (currently in K), principal, teacher and psychologist want to evaluate him academically and have a psych eval. to know exactly what's going on w/him.

Brief background--he's been tested already (he's DYS). School officials don't have any issues w/grade skip or acceleration, but the building is K-3 and they think he might already know most of the curriculum. They can enrich him in reading, but math might be tricky--hence a complete academic workup to know exactly where he's at as far as curriculum goes. As for the social component, they're concerned. At times he gets in kids' faces, knocks down blocks, karate chops the air etc.; it's not all the time, he can certainly pull it together (he does every week for a science class he has after school) and I attribute it to mostly boredom and lack of being able to relate to the other kids. They agree, but also are concerned b/c they see these behaviors at times where it's not an academic setting and it interferes in his learning and his relationships w/the other kids. order to get a complete picture of what's exactly going on, they also want a psych. eval. which has to be done by a psychiatrist. It's just interviewing him and talking to him for a bit.

My question is, should I be concerned about this? I did insist that whoever does the testing should have experience w/gifted kids etc. It sounds rather ominous, I don't know why though--maybe I'm afraid he'll be missed diagnosed or behaviors misinterpreted (he won't be observing --just taking into consideration school psychologists observations).

Anyone have experience w/this or can shed some light?

Thanks much!!!