Wow! Lots of great thoughts and suggestions here.

@Amber-the only way I'm afraid it can hurt is b/c it's a psychiatrist who's used to evaluating according to a medical model/DSM IV etc. is that he might pathologize something that need not be pathologized. As opposed to someone who will look at the whole picture esp. someone who is familiar w/behaviors of gifted children.

@LNEsMom & DeeDee- good question--exactly what are they looking for!? He said a psychiatrist b/c it's just what they've always done. I don't suspect any 2E issues of ADHD and neither did the psychologist who did his first two evaluations (just found out he passed away last month : ( ) The science class is with older kids, but it's only for 1hr not 6 (that's what they said about that). Interesting point about kids being less forgiving as a good thing; sort of a "when in Rome, do as the Romans do" for behavior.

@2Gifted, Master of none, CAmom-- I don't think they're necessarily against acceleration, they just want to be sure that there's not something else going on that need to be addressed. That's why they want the psych. eval first, b/f they try anything and have to keep moving him around if one thing doesn't quite fit.

Honestly, I think he's bored and quirky (at times). The more I read your suggestions, the more I think that a Psychiatric interview is not the way to go. I'm thinking that if we get a couple of recommendations from the gifted school near us (we can't afford the $15,000 tuition) of psychologists they use, who are familiar w/gifted, that we should just have one of them do an eval. even if we have to pay for it ourselves. Sheeesh! People think that b/c you have a "smart kid" that life is just so easy...ummm.....not so much!!