Originally Posted by OHGrandma
Originally Posted by Kriston
I just realized that I forgot to say thanks, Texas Summer, for the note about HSing one kid and not the other seems to be pretty normal in your PG group. That's nice to hear, because I think it will seem odd to many of the people in my HS group. They're all very nice and seem quite nonjudgemental, but they do seem to have a momentary <blink> when I say that we have to leave some event to take DS3 to preschool. If preschool makes 'em blink, what will they think about DS3 going to public school?


It's nice to know that my considering it isn't as weird or random as it might seem on its face...

Kriston, I know quite a few HS families. Those I know do it as more of a lifestyle choice. You (IMO) are doing it as an educational choice. I think you'll make the right educational choice when needed. You've already show that you are flexible and not afraid to change quickly for the benefit of the child.

DD9 will most likely be homeschooled next year, which is purely an educational necessity. DS3 OTOH, will go to preschool next year and we will take it year by year with him. Due to some birthing issues, he has some speech delays and I don't see the same GT traits in him. But he has his own talents, which are now emerging, so who knows. I think it will be strange to HS one and not the other, but that's how it will be with us for a while.

I understand those who HS out of religious or other reasons, but I sometimes wonder what those families do if one the kids would thrive better in a school? I know a family of 8 that HS and I would say that 2 of the children truly do not want to HS. They are going through teenage phase and refuse to complete assignments out of rebellion. The mom is beside herself as she fears they will not complete high school.

I look at both my children as individuals and we make individual choices for them as long as it doesn't disturb our family harmony.
