As a younger sib of a very gifted sibling I thought I'd take a stab at responding.

First, according to our Psych, siblings rarely test more than 5-10 points different. If they do, it is a good clue to look into 2E issues.

Second, read up on those sibling order dynamics again smile

Interesting article, not sure how useful:

Also, you are absolutely right in my opinion, no matter what your younger child's LOG, he will be different from your older son in how he learns and what his interests are. In fact, it may well be that he will subconsciously avoid the interests of your older son to forge his own identity. His needs will be different.

I read a comment somewhere that said that "Fair does not = Same". Fair is meeting the needs of each child to the best of your ability even though the methods used may be very different. Honestly, how is this different from what we are trying to get across to the schools so often? We want our children to have the opportunity to get a fair education at their level. This is not generally the same education as their age peers or even siblings. Dottie, want to chime in here?

Love the cat story, we had a brain damaged dog. We loved her dearly but our vet also was appalled when we called her clever but dumb. Then he sort of changed his mind when she lost all her teeth early because she tried to eat rocks...