Originally Posted by mom.org
Do any of you have a child with low processing speed and but not adhd who also struggle with organization, turning in complete assignments etc?

Yes, our ds (who has developmental coordination disorder) has low processing speed but isn't adhd, and yes, he is extremely challenged with organization - not just turning in assignments, but in organizing his thoughts on paper etc.

Re the mental math - ds does this because he can and also because writing things down on paper is extremely difficult for him, and in spite of having tried many different software solutions we haven't come up with one that he really feels works well enough not to rely on pencil and paper. The best thing that happened for our ds and math was finding a school that was willing to accelerate him in math to where he was capable of working on concepts. Showing his work, trying to pass timed fluency tests etc were a disaster until we finally had him working at a level where he was challenged. I'm guessing his homework usually takes longer than it does for his classmates who don't have slow writing and processing speed, but he's getting all As and has found it easier to answer the "show your work" type questions now that he's got something challenging enough he can't just do it in his head.

Best wishes,
