In some areas, I agree with you, acculady. Through this journey, I have found many overlapping characteristics in my DS's diagnoses. I'm not the sort of person to suscribe wholly to any one theory, I don't think we understand enough about 2-e children to believe that any one theory gets it all. The visual-spatial learner thing helped me understand that this profile of characteristics is very common in children...especially gifted children. It helped me understand that it is how DS is wired, even without his diagnosis of ADHD-I, SPD, dysgraphia and stealth dyslexia. It helped me to understand that although he is dylexic, dysgraphic and sensory challenged, there are "normally gifted" children out there that also have similar challenges, although not on as great a scale. As you already know, if you read about gifted children, dyslexic children (particularly stealth dyslexia), visual-spatial learners or ADHD-I...all of these characteristics overlap. I do believe that there must be a common underlying brain structure in these children and that many of the diagnoses that we try to separate into different entities are actually manifestations of the same brain biology.