aculady-can I print that out and take it to the school? lol!!!

and it seems that intolerance for the stressful environment seems to increase as the "giftedness" increases, yes? She already scored 99.6 on the Raven (well above our dist. 98% minimum for GATE classes)

The school's apparent refusal to even consider moving her to another class distresses me, as does the counselor saying that she might be refusing to do the work because she WANTS (or maybe thinks) to be homeschooled. It seems they are both asking me what her deal is, which means I have to discuss this with her, yet they are also saying to NOT talk to her about it or let her think she has control over it. Wouldn't it actually be better to let her *think* she has control, when in reality, of course I am making the important decisions?

I work for myself, from home, because I got tired of essentially, less intelligent(though well educated) people telling me what to do. When I was a nurse, I worked for an agency so that if I didn't like a place, I didn't have to go back. We celebrate creative, free thinking, strong willed individuals, but I guess only if they keep their mouths shut until adulthood?

they want me to take her for outside counseling, but did not say for how long until we revisit the issues or how much weight they would give to what the psych says. They couldn't answer for me "What if the test and the reccomendation is acceleration or more engaging work" And the teacher's response is that she IS giving that level of work, but DD still refuses to do it.

I get excited when the library lets me know my books are ready for pickup...