Originally Posted by Dude
But that's for 10 or 11, not 6.

I think the argument about terminology is silly, though, because "My pee-pee hurts," is functionally equal to "My vagina hurts," and I wouldn't expect her to identify a problem with her ovaries any more than I'd expect an undiagnosed, non-medical professional adult to.

There is a very good chance between age 6 and age 11 someone is going to explain to her how the sperm gets to the egg or at least they will try to. Most kids know, or make up some version of that information if they aren't given the real information. I remember it being pretty common knowledge by third grade and that was preInternet.

And, I have to say time for an anatomy lesson if you think there is one part and it is interchangably described "pee pee" or vagina. The vagina isn't even the part used to pee. It is one thing to use slang, it is another to not even correctly know the number of parts or their function.