What's funny is that a lot of the people here advocating for full disclosure are echoing my own position about keeping the mechanics a secret, so apparently we don't disagree nearly as much as it seems on the surface. DD6 already knows that she has different sex organs from a boy, that those differences are relevant to making babies, that both boy and girl bodies change into man/woman bodies during their teenage years, and she's aware of some of the more obvious changes that involves. So information is already flowing.

Her school system talks about sex-ed in 7th grade biology, and I have no intention of waiting until then to talk about these things in more detail. But that's for 10 or 11, not 6.

I think the argument about terminology is silly, though, because "My pee-pee hurts," is functionally equal to "My vagina hurts," and I wouldn't expect her to identify a problem with her ovaries any more than I'd expect an undiagnosed, non-medical professional adult to.