Originally Posted by Wren
Anyone have ideas on how you explain things and also suggest they do not explore this...?

Seriously, can't you imagine telling a young child how the sperm gets to the egg and in a playdate these little kids start experimenting?
Honestly, I can't imagine it, no, but maybe that's just my little kid! I've always talked about it as a thing grown up people do. More generally, while in our house we're quite comfortable with nudity, we make explicit the point that some parts of the body are more private than others, and that it's not right for anyone to touch a private part of someone else, or touch someone with one of theirs, unless they're sure both people are completely comfortable with it. I think this is important to make clear to maximise the chance that if anyone tries to abuse your child sexually, the child knows that what's being done is definitely wrong. I also think it has a role in discouraging exploration - or at any rate, any exploration I'd worry about!

I have also had the experience, now partially erased from my memory, of DS then aged ?5? asking very loudly in a restaurant lavatory "How do people catch AIDS Mummy?" Yes, I explained.

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