This was a good time to share those books with me. �I was concerned with being embarrassed by him using the correct terms. �Yesterday I visited with a pregnant teenager. �I'm taking to heart what you said PTP, "answer them when they're 4 so they'll talk to you when they're 14". �I just needed a little guidance and research. � I like that the two books recommended here will answer all his questions including peeing and all the details and that one of them explained appropriate and inappropriate places to touch and explains which things are "for later". �I'm sure it's less embarrassing to continue "the talk" over time than suddenly having the talk when it matters. �I was worried. �Now I'm not.
I'm sure a lot of parents will deflect the questions "until you are older". �That's fine. �I wanted to answer his questions already but I just wasn't sure how. �He knows beer, coffee, and driver's liscenses aren't for kids.

Last edited by La Texican; 10/12/11 04:30 PM. Reason: It's a forum, not a journal

Youth lives by personality, age lives by calculation. -- Aristotle on a calendar