Originally Posted by Cricket2
Originally Posted by Grinity
Gradeskip is one way to keep a 'fading into the background' kind of kid up against the proper 'background' - although I'm wondering if homeschooling his is a possibility. Keep reminding them that NWEA's MAP is all about figuring out what a child is ready to learn next, and keep asking them to place him with other kids of similar readiness levels - don't worry about the age of those other kids.
However, do you think that you would get a school district to agree to grade skip a child who they can't even accept to be gifted?

I'm thinking they wouldn't even entertain the idea. I wonder if I presented it as a "temporary" trial-run, they'd be more open to it? Start it now and let it go until the new NWEA scores come out. See what everything looks like at that point in time?

I feel so defeated already and the school year just started. Ugh.