Is the GT program 30 minutes a week or an all day thing. If it's an all day thing, then it's worth fighting for. If it's 30 minutes a week, back up and start advocating for your child's needs to be met all week long.

I think it's much easier to laser beam focus on your child's needs then to try and 'prove' that he's gifted. Afterall - everyone defines gifted in their own way, so you'll never 'outlogic' them. I could create a program for kids who can touch their noses with their tongues, and no one could say 'Boo.' Sorry for all those short tongued folks.

So I would go to the school with concrete observations about what's going on that makes you worry that not being included in the GT program is a problem for your particular kid.

School like to help kids. Schools like to be the authority. Ask for you kid to be grouped for instruction with other kids with the same MAP scores....that should do it.

Love and More Love,

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com