Thanks, everybody, for your feedback. DS had a neuropsych eval a few months ago, but she only did the WISC and WIAT. I emailed the psych about the possibility of stealth dyslexia. She said she had to look up "stealth dyslexia", but agreed that it describes DS very well. I'm not sure how I feel about her needing to look it up. I think she should know about it already. Also, when DS tested, I could not remember the term GAI, but wanted her to include it in her report. I described to her what it was, but she had no idea what I was talking about. I had to go home and google it, then send her the technical report for her to include the GAI in his report. Maybe I don't have the best neuropsych for a 2e child? I hate to start over with someone else. Anyway, she is going to talk to the director of the Greengate School, which is a private school in our area for kids with dyslexia, to see what additional testing we should do.