In the US, IDEA (federal special ed law) lists eligibility categories. A child must meet the criteria for these categories to be considered eligible for special ed/IEP. The categories include "specific learning disability" (SLD) with an option of reading, reading comprehension, writing, math etc. Dyslexia falls under SDI and many of the subgroups.

While there are some states(TX and MS) and even some districts (mine would) that will use the term dyslexia, most will not. I believe their reluctance is due to the categories listed in IDEA. My experience working with my own child and as a special ed advocate for other families, is it is more effective to abandon the discussion of whether the disorder is dyslexia or SLD in reading, and use whatever term makes the district most comfortable. Focus instead on the needs of the child, their unique profile (believe me there are an infinite number of dyslexic profiles!) and getting the support and instruction needed to help the child make appropriate progress and unleash their other gifts.

Ginger - thanks for posting the link to the resources. It is very helpful to have a clear understanding of what one is dealing with, and these links will help parents and educators immensely.