Re: Stealth dyslexia

Me dd's psych actually wrote the term "dyslexia" in his report diagnosing her with a reading & writing disorder. I questioned him about it, wondering if the school (& my insurance carrier) would balk at the terminology. He said that it was coming back around again & mentioned a couple of states that were using the term in particular. One was Mississippi. I looked on the MDE site & found a couple of interesting resources. One was a handbook from 2002 that described dyslexia better than I have read anywhere else. It also goes into detail about identification, intervention, modifications & accommodations. It is here. They have an updated "Best Practices Handbook" from 2010 but I found the earlier one more to my liking.

Last edited by ginger234; 06/21/11 07:39 PM. Reason: spelling...

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