Originally Posted by Dottie
I would be a little hesitant to skip a child based on the data here alone, particularly the achievement piece. I'm thrilled though that the school is receptive, unless they see this as a solution for truly meeting a child's needs. Given our experience, I think I'd be a little worried about a school that seems too receptive. Did they they do any additional testing using other curriculum based achievement (maybe actual school tests from the higher grade?)

Where does his birthday fall in relation to the other kids?

Different kid Dottie...I posted on page 3, but all great points! He's oldest in his grade, there are acceleration options for classes in middle school but not high school so this is the only option at this point minus in-class teacher enrichment when the teacher that year is supportive and has the time (not a great plan). Yes, he took and will take end of year 5th grade state testing and some 6th grade assessments. We also pushed for IQ and Achievement, although they didn't feel it was necessary if the state testing came back as strongly as they predicted. I think part of the reason that they were so receptive is that the teacher who used to run the GT programming (when we had it) is now a classroom teacher and worked with my child in higher reading and math groups all year, and his classroom teacher has been telling administration all year that he needs to be challenged more.