The passionate discussion on this issue was nice to see BUT this is for a different child, NOT the one whose scores I posted a while back. That other child is very, very bright and I do not think the achievement scores are accurate because his ADHD and Anxiety are so much more debilitating but I would never consider him for a grade skip. He also is one of the younger ones in his class.

My other child is one of the oldest in his class-if not oldest, minus repeaters, and much, much more independent. He also has mild ADHD but it is so well treated that it is virtually a non-issue in school. He is also, as Dottie put it, "a teacher pleaser" as well as a "peer pleaser", and well loved by teachers and students alike for his great attitude, hard work, creativity, and intelligence. He reads during all "down-time" but never during class time unless given permission by the teacher. : ) We do have to pull his books at times during more social events but he is receptive and easily does other things when reminded he doesn't have to read! : ) He is a leader in many extracurricular activities and a good friend. We always joke that he is our "easy" child since he is SO independent.

I have no idea of his IQ scores since the last time he was assessed he was only 4 and it was a brief assessment. He took the grade level assessment from the grade he'd skip this past week and did very well per the teacher, although we don't know exact scores yet. He also took the IQ test this past week (telling me that on sections the tester repeatedly "ran out of questions", so it looks good, lol). He'll do achievement with him soon. We are also using a very similar document to the IOWA scale, which I was glad to see. In a preliminary look as parents we didn't see any huge issues at all, minus not yet knowing his IQ score (they recommend but do not require scores in the 130 range on at least one area).