My DS skipped first grade in a small community ("We've only skipped 2 kids in the past 20 years..."). We had to work hard to get the skip -- you are lucky that the school is so supportive. After the skip, there were some things that were still not challenging enough for our DS, and most of our meetings were trying to get him even more. During the meetings, it became clear to everyone that the skip was necessary and successful, and some of the teachers even forgot that he had skipped.

We had the opportunity to switch to a fulltime GT school mid-year (commute to big community), where they worked a year ahead, and that finally was a good fit. If your school is so willing to do a grade skip, you might want to see after they do above-level testing if they'd agree to additional subject acceleration if warranted.

What age is your son? For us, writing has been an issue, having skipped 1st, which apparently is a big writing year. DS7's writing wasn't all that great in kindy either. But in 2nd at the GT school, he's pretty far behind in physical handwriting and getting thoughts out too. He has made improvements, but it's really hard for him. Gym has been hard too. But other than that, all is well. We make sure we keep in touch with friends from before his skip, too.

I think it's great that the school is supportive and that your son wants it too. From what you've said so far, it all sounds good. Do you have any specific concerns?

Last edited by st pauli girl; 06/16/11 07:45 PM.