I understand about the non-specific worrying! I still worried even after the skip for DS7 was very successful. I think your son's attitude is fabulous, and that absolutely this is a great decision. I suppose there's a little caveat of "what if the IQ and achievement testing come back unexpectedly low", in which case you may need to reconsider a few things. But it doesn't sound like that will be the case.

The turnaround in the school's attitude to me indicates that something happened to make them think that the skip would be successful. Most schools tend to be anti-skip still, but I would guess that they have seen what your kid can do and believe that the skip is appropriate.

The opposite worry about not being academically ready can be worse -never learning how to learn, never learning what to do when you have a challenge. It is better to get a few challenges before difficult classes in high school and college, where kids who've sailed through suddenly think they're dumb because they didn't know something ahead of time. And it sounds like your son has a great attitude about the social stuff - he knows he'll still see his friends. Most kids do much better socially with kids at their own intellectual level as well. Try not to worry too much!