It was the ITBS, so that is percentile. I understand the difference, but not sure how that would affect the outcome. I'm just focused on the fact that she didn't do well because she had had NO exposure to measurement. I agree that IQ should have been a major factor, as the issue should be if she could pick up quickly on things she didn't know. I'm sure she didn't even show her potential on multiplication and division, because it didn't go that high.

I would gladly dispute them not taking an IQ test even though that is a major factor of the IAS. However, in my eyes, it all comes down to a badly worded document, I think they are still following their "intent", as misguided as that might be.... like others said, at least they have a policy.

"Components of this score include:"

To me, component means one of several, not a criteria. And "this score" I would think refers back to the IAS. BUT... I'm hesitant to take on that battle, then just have the district reword it what they obviously mean, which should just remove that line and list those other lines as additional "criteria". They obviously can't just use the IAS scale and accelarate anyone that scores <10 points, as that would be everybody.

In addition, I want to leave my options open. Her teacher was AMAZING this year and pretty much gave her gradelevel assesments in Nov, which she aced, so she let me send workbooks in let her work independently. I would prefer a situation like that rather than for "subject acceleration", rather than what they usually do with putting her in a 3rd grade math class. I just feel that it should be our goal for her to advance one academic year, as is the right of every other child (at least in "goal"). If she places 75% in grade 3 test, that means she will only advance 25% of a grade level in a whole year?
....Or as somebody pointed out, would already be above 75% of the incoming 4th graders, but those 75% are allowed to move to 4h grade.... and she has to stay in 3rd and sit through things she's mostly already mastered?? REALLY??

My ultimate goal is to get them to agree to curriculum compacting, and let her learn at her own pace, just don't know how to get them to do that, and if that is just a distant dream.