Originally Posted by Dottie
Ideally this should be several grade levels, though at K it�s hard to define. The cuts used by CTY are +2 years for 2nd-4th, +3 years for 5th-8th, and +4-5 for 7th and 8th grades (SAT). I would count what your daughter had as +2, so it should fall within the mid range for aptitude earning her at least some points.
This is an interesting point and one I recall thinking about when dd12 was skipping. She took the EXPLORE, which was +4 years above level at the time, but the school would have given the exact same # of points to a +1 year test. Thus, she could have gotten the same # of points for a 5th grade ITBS as she did for getting 75th percentile + on an 8th grade test. Does version three of the IAS address how many grade levels above the test should be?

OP, does your school policy require the above level test to be a certain amount of grades ahead? It's sounding like +2 is their policy which, like Dottie said later, it is nice that they have some consistent policy. However, it also sounds like they are using the IAS in a manner in which it wasn't intended -- to rule in our out subject acceleration based on a small part of the scale. I might try contacting one of the authors of the scale in your instance and inquire if s/he would be willing to give some insight in how best to use the scale when seeking subject acceleration and then, like bh14 suggested, try to bring about some changes in the district policy if you can do that without putting yourself in an adversarial position.