Originally Posted by Nik
Grinity, I did ask about the high transfer rate, and was told it's mostly due to students wanting to specialize or deciding they don't want to take 4 years of one subject. I asked what happens if a kid isn't cutting it and was told they don't get expelled, they are just are told what they need to do to get caught up if they want to come back. I feel very confident that my DD will fit well there. I attended a seminar and a day on campus and it felt like I was surrounded by many quirky Aspies and ADD gifties, it was so awesome, like visiting my DD's home planet. Some kids were even quietly knitting in seminar and no one frowned on them.

August can't come soon enough (assuming we get through this.. er little "snafu" successfully)
That's good news - you sound calmer and happier, too. The Fall school sounds so yummy - I'm glad to hear that the transfer rate has an alternative explanation.
Enjoy your baby steps along the path,

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