Hi Nik,

Take a breath.

OK. The PDD brings with it serious planning and executive function issues. People on the autism spectrum have a lot of trouble taking responsibility for their actions, and looking ahead to notice they're about to cause themselves major problems is really hard for them. They do dig themselves into holes of this kind.

You and DD need to talk to someone at the college-- start with the disabilities office. Hopefully they've seen autism/ADD before. There may be a way to withdraw from the courses for this term and wipe the slate clean. That would be the best case scenario. Do not do this for her-- make sure she's in all the conversations. She needs to understand that she did it wrong, and learn something from this experience.

There are colleges that have support programs for people on the spectrum-- See http://collegeautismspectrum.com/collegeprograms.html . But I suspect that before she can fly in the adult world, she'll need to work intensively to develop her self-management skills. Is there a therapist who's willing to work with her on this stuff?

Hang in there,