Originally Posted by Nik
I guess we should be pro-active and contact the disabilities office at the dream college ahead of time but again, what do we ask for?

Tell them everything you've told us here. Ask them to listen and ask them if they think that the specifics of their program mean that the issues will magically disappear. It might - the program sounds excellent. I would print out what you've written here and cut past it into some kind of order. (Not until you've had some sleep) Then I would ask DD to write down her version, making sure she talks about all the points you've raised.
Can we demand the kindest, most approachable, nurturing empathetic and engaging teachers? :-)
I don't think that this is exactly what to ask for - I'd let the school guide you. You might need to hire an accountability coach to work with your DD. If I'm guessing correctly, this school you are describing, although wonderful, has a fairly high transfer/drop out rate. If the school really believes that 'some kids just aren't cut out for our program' then you'd want to know that up front.

Sigh...sorry for the lengthiness, I haven't slept in 36 hours
Do not post, do not pass Go, do not collect $200 - get into bed and try to nap if at all possible!

Love and More Love,

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