New law gives students
on state championship teams
extra points on assessment test
Language inserted in
Medicaid budget fix bill
at end of special session
This from Brad Hughes at KSBA:
Language in House Bill 1, the Medicaid budget fix bill adopted during the recent special legislative session, will award extra points on Kentucky�s new accountability tests to all students involved in state sports championship-winning teams.
Under the bill�s wording, inserted by Rep. Wayne Olds of Georgetown, students on state championship teams would have 10 points added to their scores on the accountability test currently under development by the Kentucky Department of Education.
In an interview with KSBA eNews, Rep. Olds said he believes his action was completely warranted.
�We talk a lot in this state about student achievement. Does that only mean �academic� achievement?� Olds said. �Students who contribute to the ultimate success on a field or a court � a state championship � have �achieved,� and they�ve obviously devoted school hours to those school-supported goals.
�I see no problem whatsoever with giving them due credit at their schools, and the state assessment test is the only measurement that some leaders in Frankfort seem to care much about,� he said. �Besides, I don�t think 10 points will do any harm to the credibility of the accountability system.� ...
Asked to comment on this matter, a spokesman for the Kentucky School Boards Association said�