The DI thread got me thinking about this. Does anyone have a kid doing Future Problem Solvers? is doing it for the 2nd year. Last year she just filled in at the last minute for someone who was on vacation for the state tournament. She liked it so much she joined the team this year. They compete in full day competitions where they work through scenarios to solve big world problems and present them in writing and skits.
I don't think the website listed above explains it very well, but if you click on the Affiliate Directory link on the left side you will see a link at the state level that may be more informative.
Just thought others might be interested in trying this (probably next year at this point), and was wondering if others are already doing it.
One more thought... D's team was initially started by some parents who were interested. My impression is that it is MUCH less work to coach one of these teams than a DI team (my older D's DI coaches were absolute heroes in my opinion due to the massive amount of building work that goes into many DI entries... FPS is much more brainwork and less building). Just in case any parents were thinking about getting an FPS team started