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Posted By: intparent Future Problem Solvers - 02/04/11 06:48 PM
The DI thread got me thinking about this. Does anyone have a kid doing Future Problem Solvers?

D15 is doing it for the 2nd year. Last year she just filled in at the last minute for someone who was on vacation for the state tournament. She liked it so much she joined the team this year. They compete in full day competitions where they work through scenarios to solve big world problems and present them in writing and skits.

I don't think the website listed above explains it very well, but if you click on the Affiliate Directory link on the left side you will see a link at the state level that may be more informative.

Just thought others might be interested in trying this (probably next year at this point), and was wondering if others are already doing it.

One more thought... D's team was initially started by some parents who were interested. My impression is that it is MUCH less work to coach one of these teams than a DI team (my older D's DI coaches were absolute heroes in my opinion due to the massive amount of building work that goes into many DI entries... FPS is much more brainwork and less building). Just in case any parents were thinking about getting an FPS team started smile
Posted By: landofthelost Re: Future Problem Solvers - 02/04/11 06:59 PM
This looks fun too like the DI. Wish they had a younger group.
Posted By: vicam Re: Future Problem Solvers - 02/04/11 07:25 PM
My school has had FPS teams for years and even had teams and individuals go to international. Kids can enter as individuals as well. It is a group effort that involves research on a topic. They are then given a "fuzzy" prompt. which is a hypothetical situation that needs a solution. Kids then brainstorm and proceed through a process where they document and write down idea and possible solutions. they then choose one solution as the best weighing positives and negatives. They have to support choices and work through things. It is important to have a strong recorder to write things down. there also needs to be those who can think outside the box. It can be challanging for black/white kids or those with weak social skills who don't work in groups. Packets are then scored as bronze silver gold at state level. There is a DI type activity but it is not scored only the written responses. Also in the months before there are practice fuzzies and then a qualifying one. Advisors are given the years topics at beginning of the school year.
Posted By: Lisa Diane Re: Future Problem Solvers - 02/09/11 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by intparent
The DI thread got me thinking about this. Does anyone have a kid doing Future Problem Solvers?

D15 is doing it for the 2nd year. Last year she just filled in at the last minute for someone who was on vacation for the state tournament. She liked it so much she joined the team this year. They compete in full day competitions where they work through scenarios to solve big world problems and present them in writing and skits.

I don't think the website listed above explains it very well, but if you click on the Affiliate Directory link on the left side you will see a link at the state level that may be more informative.

Just thought others might be interested in trying this (probably next year at this point), and was wondering if others are already doing it.

One more thought... D's team was initially started by some parents who were interested. My impression is that it is MUCH less work to coach one of these teams than a DI team (my older D's DI coaches were absolute heroes in my opinion due to the massive amount of building work that goes into many DI entries... FPS is much more brainwork and less building). Just in case any parents were thinking about getting an FPS team started smile

Such a very amazing link!
Thanks you for the post.
Posted By: ginger234 Re: Future Problem Solvers - 02/12/11 09:48 PM
My older daughter was an alternate at the state competition in '08 & her team won 2nd place. My younger daughter wrote in the district team scenario competition Thurs. but they got dq'd because they didn't write their purpose phrase in step 2 correctly. Pretty heartbreaking after all the training & the 2+ hours of writing they did Thurs.* They do get to compete as alternates at the state competition since they wrote a scenario, though.
*I heard through the grapevine that their packet was really good, too.
Posted By: ginger234 Re: Future Problem Solvers - 03/24/11 02:08 PM
Our state FPS competition was held this week. I was wondering how your student fared, intparent? Did anyone else's kids compete?

My daughter placed 2nd in the group scenario writing competition, Jr. Division. Students compose futuristic short stories (1,500 words or less) related to the current year's topic, which was water quality. They have 2.5 hours & write with students from other schools in the same age group.

We had a student from our team place first in the individual problem solving competition as well as a team place first in that competition. They have both been invited to the International Competition in WI. Our coach is beyond excited!
Posted By: ginger234 Re: Future Problem Solvers - 03/24/11 02:15 PM
I forgot: this article is about a young lady from my community who used the skills she learned from FPS/CmPS and turned them into a business.
Posted By: intparent Re: Future Problem Solvers - 03/25/11 02:14 AM
State FPS is a week from Saturday (April 2) for our kids; D's team did advance to state (first place in their regional). They have not had a lot of time to get together since, though -- final examps got in the way, D was very sick for almost two weeks (all better now), then spring break. So we will see how it goes.

Congrats to your D on getting to nationals! Nationals is not very far from our city, but the Saturday of the weekend is graduation for our kids (and although D is not graduating, the school choir sings at it and the director is a stickler for attendance at performances). But we will worry about that issue if they make it smile
Posted By: vicam Re: Future Problem Solvers - 03/25/11 05:38 PM
FPS update my middle school is sending 4 teams to the state comp coming up. It is exciting. They have tightened up some rules this year. The water topic has been good b/c there is a lot of info in a farming community.
Posted By: ginger234 Re: Future Problem Solvers - 04/09/11 06:43 AM
Actually my daughter didn't make it to Internationals (& I think she was glad! So much work & stress for the poor little gal!) but here is an article with a list of all the kids in my community who placed in the FL State competition--
How did your state competitions go?
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