I totally understand. Last year was so rough on us with getting my DS7 his IEP and actually getting them to do what they should. I remember saying the same thing to his teachers. What does it matter that he gets all "A's" if he sits in class all day and does nothing. What is that teaching him?
Advise... If you are in a green or blue state (see how gifted-friendly is your state to the left side) go to the state website and read everything you can on special education and gifted rights. Then go to your districts site and do the same. I litteraly spent weeks on it. Then I wrote up my own IEP quoting all their policies and asked for everything! Yep, everything. I let them know I would be taping the meeting ahead of time to put a little fear into them. I used words like FAPE (free and appropriate education) alot. They have to be spoken to in their own language or they will blow you off.
I made it clear that I absolutely loved the teacher and the principal at the school. That my problem was with the district and getting it done correctly according to their own policies. What I found then and continue to find is that my state has okay policies in place. Just no one pushes to get them enforced. The parents all play nice and say "Okay, we'll if that's what you say". When in reality they have no idea what their own policies are and often times outright lie about the ones they have. I'm not taking that. Not me, not with my child, no way! In the end we got some of what we wanted and that was okay for a begining. After the meeting was over I sent cards to all involved and let them know how great they all were. I continued to monitor his progress and kept both his gifted and regular teacher very aware that I was watching!
This year thank goodness he got great teachers! I think his new principal was warned ahead of time

And I'm back at the district level fighting for some of the stuff he didn't get last year.
If you are in one of those other state, I don't know anything