Thought I'd try to start something in the vain of the Ultimate Brag Thread: a place where we can chronical the good side our DCs intense drive to learn.
Here's what made me think of it.
This afternoon, DD3.9 and I were just putting on the last bit of suncreen when a lightning warning was announced. Oh, man. So I suggested doing art instead. We found a project, did it, had some paint left over, so did some abstract pictures. Then, as I was putting the paints away, I dropped about a dozen bottles!
DD says "At least it didn't make a crater. Hey! That reminds me, can we do the crater project?" We had done the "crater" project once, months before. So I got the flour (which represents the ground) and she got the meteors (bouncy balls, pebbles, etc.) She proceeded to drop the "meteors" into the "ground". On one, she dropped it from such a height that a great fountain of flour came up (and got her hair all dirt). Long story short, we ended up talking about erosion, atmospheric differences between Earth and the moon, and the meteor impact that might have wiped off the dinosaurs. Then we went digging for dino "bones" in the flour. Then we wondered what would happen if you put food coloring in the flour (nothing), tempera paint in the flour (nothing), and water in the flour (aha! suddenly, you have beautiful colored play dough!). Then DH walked home to his two very happy "girls" covered with flour from head to toe and the dining room a disaster. Basically, two hours flew by as project led to project. Ahh. Flow! It almost makes me sad, though -- why can't there be more venues to encourage our kids creativity and natural inquisitiveness. Oh, well.
Ok, your turn. I know you have stories to top that.